City of Liverpool Branch

Welcome to the City of Liverpool Branch of The Royal Society of St. George.

Branch Address

1 Wilton Grange,
Pinfold Lane,
West Kirby,
CH48 5JJ.

Branch Officers

Mr B K Boumphrey
1 Wilton Grance,
Pinfold Lane,
West Kirby,
CH48 5JJ.

Telphone: 0151 632 5674


Report from John Kay - City of Liverpool Branch Garden Party to Celebrate Her Majesty's Platinum Jubilee on Saturday 4th June 2022

Ladies and Gentlemen,

That's it then. Our last Garden Party at Roger and Di's. What troopers they both are having hosted twelve of the fourteen over the years and, apart from  the occasional exception, on  sunny days.

With the bunting and flags a flying for the combined celebration, a grand total of forty four members and guests attended. All magnificently turned out with their own interpretation of high fashion. Dame Edna could have only been impressed. And that was just the blokes. Outfit of the day? Has to be Phil Price's King William's school cricket blazer. Still fitted, he insisted.

On arrival at 1300hrs the Bates's staff - Son in Law Matt, daughter Tikki and granddaughter Olivia -  meeted and greeted with offerings of beverages and 'thingies' - you know savoury biscuits topped with smoked salmon and dill. All very professional.

And then within the hour and the bar staff, aka Matt, under tremendous pressure, the noise levels started to crank up an octave or two with 'Too Tall' Frank on the naught table commanding the airwaves. (good  to his bride, Lesley, looking so well)  A ding- a- ling- ling from Di, now facially resembling the Monarch, officially opened the buffet bar and  dining commenced. Liquid accompaniments comprised a cheeky little French  Pinot Noir and an exceedingly good angular short on the palate Sauvignon Blanc ex SA.

At 1500hrs with fine weather, tucker and  wine in abundance the world 'was our lobster' as Del Boy would observe.  This sense of well being was the  trigger for Chairman to be on his feet for the Loyal Toast, an address delivered with the enthusiasm to suit the Platinum Jubilee celebrations.

Suitably mellowed, the diners were an easy touch for the extraction of twenty quid per head for the raffle and opportunity to win amazing prizes. One of which I have been informed was a partly consumed bottle of vodka. Nevertheless Mike, still a nice philanthropic gesture.

Having 'taken' it was now time 'to give' via the 100 Club draw.  Joe , hair finely coiffured and a vision  resplendent in a cream  coloured jacket trimmed with a flash of crimson in the top pocket,  announced that the annual prizes  to be drawn would total £1000. 'Wow' a cry went up. This was to be split five ways with a first prize of £500, a second of £200 and three third prizes of £100. Drawing numbers In reverse order the very popular winners   were Messrs, Lindsay, Smith and Wright followed by Graves and Pearson.  Well done Lads, look forward to seeing you in the White Lion.

And so with the party reaching it's conclusion, for some at least, Chairman Boumphrey called for attention and the appearance together of our hosts, Queen Di and her Gentleman of the Bedchamber.

After thanking them so much for their generosity of spirit  and input ( they have always supplied the drink and food which they also prepared) over the years in allowing the Branch to use their magnificent garden for many gatherings, Brian presented a bouquet to Di and an equally pleasing bottle of French wine to Roger.  The round of applause that followed hopefully indicated how much their  goodwill has meant to the Branch's fund raising efforts since 2006.

So what about, the finances you may ask. Well, in brief the £40 per head ticket price and the £780 take on the raffle has resulted in a net return of £1,200 give or take. What a superb result and a real credit to all those who attended, including the Friday, Saturday and Tuesday ground crews and the donors of the raffle prizes. A real team effort.

So it's au revoir Roger and Di, special people.